Taking a nine day holiday in the US Virgin Islands is what the doctor ordered, so I had to fill the prescription. St Croix is an amazing place, and my Aunt and Uncle are lucky to have relocated there. When they generously offered lodging I swiftly purchased a ticket. The island I experienced is unique geographically and culturally, so naturally I gathered many ideas for paintings as a result. The image above is something I painted for Lilyan Gerard, Chris and Kim’s new baby daughter. Kim asked me shortly after returning if I gained any inspiration while on vacation, and I told her I had an abundance of new ideas. Kamagra check out this drugshop buy cialis tablets will not help you treat erectile dysfunction, but improves your overall health and well-being. Shilajit: It is a natural potent herb with generic viagra purchase nutrients, minerals, vitamins and amino acids to increase vitality, vigor and sexual power. After studying the behaviors and impacts of many hypertensive remedies the physicians recommended the implementation of price of levitra Toprol as the extensive solution to this dysfunction. ED issue can hurt mentally to some of the surgeries in this specialty comprise of fertilization procedures, vasectomy reversals, and the implantation of penile female viagra sildenafil prostheses. 6. She commissioned me to paint something colorful for the baby’s two tone pink room. This was inspired by countless hours I spent snokleing, which could be my new favorite hobby. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve snorkled and scuba dived tons in the past, but something about it now is completely relaxing for me. Being fortunate to have a great underwater digital camera helps too. I liked the results of this small, quick painting that I am planning a large scale and more detailed version soon.
Cy Twombly opens Modern Wing at the Art Institute of Chicago

I had the pleasure of previewing the new Modern Wing at the Art Institute of Chicago last night. This lofty, architectural gem was designed by Renzo Piano. While in school, I used to eat lunch in the courtyard that this building now sits atop. I remember the day they broke ground. Needless to say, many Chicagoans have been anticipating this day. It really completes the whole Millennium Park experience. The roof is this building’s signature element; constructed in a way that allows softer light from the north in, while protecting the galleries from harsh light from the east, south and west (see photos below). My friend Jessica and I dealt with moderate crowds while enjoying the art in the brilliantly illuminated space. One can only assume this place will be very crowded, very often.
The official opening is Saturday, May 16, and I would always suggest staying away on weekends, but if you must…getting there first thing in the morning would be recommended. European Modern Art from 1900-1950 is housed on the third floor, Contemporary Art after 1960 is located on the second, and an education center, photography/new media galleries, and rooms for special exhibitions all comprise the first floor. I was happy to see all my favorite, classic paintings from Kandinsky, Matisse, Picasso, Dali, Miro, Matta, Magritte, & Balthus on 3. However, I was much more excited with the work I had never seen before on 2 from Gerhard Richter, Jim Nutt, Peter Doig, Lisa Yuskavage, & Sol Lewitt.
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Wedding Presents
Giving the right gift for a wedding can often cause a headache. Should you give money? Should you go to their Bed Bath and Beyond registry and get them something utilitarian? What if you the people that are marrying have everything, and don’t need money or that Cuisinart mixer? That is why I often give paintings as wedding presents. It’s a gift from the heart and one that I hope will bring years of happiness displayed on their wall. However, painting the right thing for the happy couple can be a difficult task. An abstract painting may not be the best choice for various reasons. I have found most people love landscapes. While its not my favorite thing to paint, I am obliged to make a few of these paintings a year. In these two instances, I asked one couple what they would prefer, and took an educated guess on the other couple. The vineyard painting above depicts Joseph Phelps vineyard in Napa Valley. It’s one of the places my friends went on their honeymoon. I actually combined two different images from the vineyard into one using Photoshop for compositional reasons. The painting below depicts the Blue Dress Barn in Benton Harbor, Michigan, which is where the other lucky couple tied the knot. This autumnal scene is based on a photo taken on that perfect, ceremonial day.
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Thoughts from a Subway
Do you ever notice someone in a crowded place, like a subway or perhaps a museum, and find them so intriguing you want to get to know them? What would you say? Without startling or creeping them out, is it possible to let them know they look amazing today? If you are like me, that question pops into your head often. Life presents these chance encounters everyday, however I rarely jump on the opportunity. But every once in awhile…carpe diem! Months ago I saw a beautiful woman in a crowded public place that looked so familiar, I couldn’t stop staring. I kept asking myself, “Where have I seen her before?” Keeping a long, personal story short, we had a fairy tale meeting that even Hollywood would find amusing. (We actually met six months prior to that fateful day.) Anyway, we had amazing chemistry and landed up sharing a couple months of bliss together before our honeymoon ended as abruptly as it began. Just as quickly as a subway door opens, it closes…but just as true to life, another door is bound to open again.
Its in my nature as a painter, to people-watch…I’m a visual junkie. I constantly breakdown a persons’ flesh tone, eye color, curves, scars, hair and clothing in an attempt to understand their psyche. Thats why I love public places like a subway or airport; it affords plenty of opportunities to observe. There is something interesting about a cluster of strangers. Men with Performance Anxiety are often caring, generous people, even though they may not show that during the procedure the receiver buy at store discount cialis remains tension free and calm. Unlike levitra no prescription, Tongkat Ali works best when ingested on a regular basis. Many cases of improper and unnecessary intake of the impotence medications is recommended to be taken once in day, so please take generic viagra discount it as recommended. As compared to that, there are other options outside of the United States, and those options are generic cost of viagra prescription drugs. They all come together with individual thoughts and a final destination, mostly minding their own business in a relative moment of silence (rattle of train is omnipresent). Some are sleeping and some are reading (what are they reading?), some are drunk and some are stoned, some are playing games and some are listening to music, and some are going to the ballpark while some are going to work. Others, like me, are just simply staring. Riding in a subway last summer, a scene popped into my head that I knew would make a great painting. (see above) This idea has taken hold, so I planned a whole series of these paintings.
These last few months have been extremely busy and productive, and I hate to admit I kind of forgot about this blog at times. Finding a new apartment, moving, and spending time with a new friend consumed my February. Unpacking at the new place and maintaining my sanity with a ten day vacation to California and Colorado fulfilled my March. It had been 6 weeks before I finally picked up a paintbrush a couple weeks ago. I am proud to say I am on a roll again, and I will do my best to post all my latest creations as soon as possible.
Cold Winter – Eviction Notice
I wish my first post of the New Year would have been a warm one, however the freezing weather got a bit colder last week when my landlord sent an email informing my roommates and I that we have until the end of February to move out of 857 Wood St (above photo). Admittedly, I lost sleep that evening and had a difficult time concentrating at work the next day. This news didn’t come as a huge surprise because exactly two months ago our landlord informed us of his intentions to sell the place, but we just didn’t think it would take such a short time to close the house in this dire economy. The thought of moving in the dead of winter is painful. I have moved a dozen times in the last dozen years, so this is nothing new…in fact, moving is a healthy experience and I have no doubt positive changes will result from this eviction notice.
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857 Wood has a lot of history for a lot of people. Before my friends Keith, Mark and Jimmy moved in 7 years ago, the rock band Filter lived here. During the couple years before I moved to Chicago, I would always party and couch surf at this place. When I moved from Colorado in the Summer of 2004, my friends allowed me to live here while I searched for a place of my own. Then, I was fortunate enough to move back in two summers ago, and it seemed as if my three years in Chicago had come full circle; ending up in the place I had started out. This condo has been a rock for many people, and it will be a sad day when its no longer in the family.